SayKiat / Essays /

My 2024 Goals

My to-do list planned on Google Calendar

Making my to-do list more intentional.

As the curtain closes on another year, I find myself reflecting on whether my actions aligned with my vision. This introspective ritual helps me cultivate a healthier relationship with productivity and the people around me.

My goals for the coming year are primarily an extension of what has been working well. As some of these goals are already in motion, it’s about becoming more intentional and shaping my life to serve me.

If any of the goals align with your vision too, please reach out to me via my socials.

In no particular order, my goals are as follows:

  • Contribute to open source communities by writing article, producing gists, joining public discourse and even donation.
  • Expand skills beyond design such as DesignOps and UX Engineering.
  • Complete a new side project about discovering local events.
  • Overcome my feeling of constantly feeling “not enough”.
  • Cut out sugary and cold beverages.
  • Be more open to new experiences like attending music events, go on a unconventional trips, try new dining experiences and pick up new skills.
  • Connect with new or existing communities through Discord, design events, pro-bono efforts (especially in edutech) and Switch games (Pokemon and Monster Hunt, anyone?)
  • Build a 1M pipeline for the next half decade.
  • Learn new design tools, especially Spline.
  • Minimal social media presence about design: Post on LinkedIn once every two weeks.

Last updated: 9/2/2024, 12:00:00 AM

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