Materials I have consumed during my leisure and work time that I find useful, thought-provoking, or even with which I disagree.
Andrei Herasimchuk - The 1St Designer at Adobe
Did you know that the very first interface designer at Adobe was also the first designer to work on Figma? 🤯
Strategy Link Bank
All collected by Baiba Matisone
The Real Reason Women Aren’t Getting Ahead in Tech: “She’s Not Strategic”
Don't Trust the (Design) Process
We made designers feel like their work wasn’t complete if they didn’t start from a perfectly articulated problem statement.
Product Strategy for Designers by Jaz Wilkinson
Using real-life examples from highly successful products, learn how thinking like a product manager can give you more influence in the direction of a product or service - and drive results that stand out.
Eigenquestions: The Art of Framing Problems
Framing often starts with asking the right question. In many cases, a decision can look like it has ten related questions, and if asked in the wrong order, they can seem intractable. Often the best path through a decision is to pick the right question to start with.
5 Ways to Attack Ambiguity
Imagine you’re asked to lead the design of a new project. It’s complex, open-ended, and full of interconnected problems…How do you attack that ambiguity and get momentum quickly?
Airbnb's Winning 10-Star Design Strategy
Principles of Beautiful Figures for Research Papers
The Feng Shui Principles of Wearing Bracelets
Help Us Choose the Final Syntax for Masonry in CSS
From Coder to Creator: My Journey
The production processes that have worked for me, and even a little on how I got here - as it explains why and how I'm doing all this in the first place, and allows me to make some recommendations.
Config 2024: Rituals to Unbreak Planning (Shishir Mehrotra & Yuhki Yamashita)
When we talk to PMs and leaders across the industry, so many people tell us that “planning is broken.” This prompted us to go study how many world-class companies approach planning, and we’re here to share our insights — as well as teams’ unique rituals — that will hopefully help “unbreak” planning at your company.
Guy with Whiteboard Explains McKinsey Case
Step by step how I would solve an actual McKinsey case
Config 2024: How to Build for, and with, Gen Z (Jiaona Zhang, CPO, Linktree)
From consumer and enterprise products to marketplaces and games, we’re seeing a transformational shift in the interfaces and stories that resonate. Join Linktree CPO Jiaona “JZ” Zhang to learn how product leaders at every stage are thinking about building with, not just for, Gen Z.
Copying Is the Way Design Works
I Want ONLY Confidence
Shape of AI
How will patterns and experiences evolve in a world shaped by Artificial Intelligence?
User Flow Is the New Wireframe
An illustrated guide on the different ‘resolutions’ of user flows, and when to use them.
Do Things that Don't Scale
One of the most common types of advice we give at Y Combinator is to do things that don't scale. Actually startups take off because the founders make them take off. There may be a handful that just grew by themselves, but usually it takes some sort of push to get them going.
Designing User Onboarding: Lessons From Figma, Duolingo, and More
Find out the common mistakes in designing onboarding and learn the secret sauce behind engaging onboarding from 20+ top tech companies.
Inside · Table of Contents
The Secret Science of Perfect Spacing
Spacing is what gives UI's that 'oddly satisfying' feel when done right, and that 'something's off' feeling when it's done poorly. How do you design spacing correctly? Should you use a framework? Let's find out!
Visual Design Rules You Can Safely Follow Every Time
You do not have to follow these rules every time. If you have a good reason to break any of them, do. But they are safe to follow every time.
Music Software & Interface Design: Propellerhead’s Reason
In this video, I discuss interface design and music software by focusing on Propellerhead's flagship DAW: Reason 10. I look at how they adjusted to the ever-changing audio production landscape over the last 18 years and the painful choices they needed to make in order to succeed. I conclude with a few software design principles.
Think Fast and Talk Smart On the Spot: 1-2-3 Framework
Creating in Tech in 2024 Vs. Consuming in Tech in 2024
In this video, McGuire cover the difference between the two, and I'll talk about the three people in tech I feel are making some of the biggest waves right now because they both consume and create.
人為什麼自卑? HT60 自信是可以培養的嗎?
昨晚和H促膝長談的議題是關於我的自卑和沒有自信, 戰勝自己是一輩子的課題。
Difference Between Vision, Strategy, Objectives, and Roadmap.
A Beginner's Guide To Breakcore, Drum & Bass, Jungle & Breakbeat Hardcore
Mixes made using a DDJ-400 and rekordbox.
5 Tips for Naming Design System Variables in Figma
Using Apple's Materials Blur & Vibrancy in Your App Design
Level up your designs by creating blur effects with native iOS materials.
Modal vs Page: A Decision Making Framework
There Are No Definitive Rules For Using Modals
How To Get Started: The Cult of Done
I think of many of the 13 principles every single day, as I write these videos, produce my audio fiction podcasts, and write music or code for any of my projects.
Design Systems Tools by Romina Kavcic
A brilliant overview of design systems tools by Romina Kavcic where she broke down the list into three main categories: Acquisition, Activation, Conversion
What Is UX Engineering
How I Teach, Part One
What Is UX Engineering
Currently the CEO of Obsidian.
UX Research Methods Cheatsheat
UX research is the systematic investigation of users’ behaviors, needs, and preferences to inform the design and improvement of user experiences in products and services.
An Inside Look at How Figma Builds Product | Yuhki Yamashita (CPO of Figma)
We talk about operationalizing quality, the case against OKRs, and how Figma isn't just known for product-led growth, but also for building a community of empowered users. Yuhki also shares why he thinks storytelling is key to being a great product manager, owning the 'why,' and the potential impact of Adobe's acquisition of Figma.
The Art of Focus (Summary) by Dan Koe
The Art Of Focus is a practical philosophy to find meaning, reinvent yourself, and create your ideal future.
Prototype as if You Are Right. Listen as if You Are Wrong.
To make change in the world, we must constantly engage in a yin-yang cycle of prototyping.
Good Enough Design: How to Boost Your Efficiency
How to make your work on time and budget? How to boost your efficiency? How to use your time to reach the most impressive or valuable results?
App Critique Made Easy! Systematic Approach to App Critiques in UX/UI Product Design Interview
May uses Pinterest as an example to demonstrate the method and provides tips for selecting an app, sharing your screen, and pausing to interact with interviewers.
Readability Guidelines
Imagine a collaboratively developed, universal content style guide, based on usability evidence.
Designing with Content: How Using Content Patterns Can Help
Content patterns are blueprints made of words. If you have a lot of content items of the same type, designing the content layout in the same way and repeating content elements is a good idea.
How I Find Design Inspiration for ANY Aesthetic
Rituals of Modern Product Teams - Yuhki Yamashita, Shishir Mehrotra (Config 2023)
Building great products starts with building great teams. And building great product teams is more than just hiring the right people; it’s designing the right rituals that help them operate effectively and unlock their full potential.
Design Systems Database
Best-in-class Design Systems with components and foundations references from top-tier tech companies and leading UI teams
Working with UX Writers in Figma - Andrew Schmidt, Chris Baty, Ryan Reid, Sylvie Kim (Config 2022)
In this talk, Figma’s UX writing team shares their favorite tips for designers on using Figma to deepen the creative bond with writers, and build more intuitive, delightful products together.
Navigation Patterns in Mobile Applications. How to Make the Right Choice?
This article will explore the most common navigation practices in the market as of the end of 2023.
From Speculative Methodologies to Crafting Delight - Kalyani T, Shihan Z, Richard E, Kim B, Nick J
Designers dream of a world without constraints, but what happens when there are no limitations?
Word to the Words - a Content and Product Design Love Story - Candi Williams (Config 2023)
This talk delves into linguistics and examples to highlight why real content is crucial — even when your content designers are stretched thin (or are non-existent at your org!).
Prototyping the Path: How Slack Builds Product with Customer Love - Ethan Eismann (Config 2023)
Join Ethan for a look inside Slack and learn how to use principles to change your own company’s culture for the better.
Design at the Speed of the News - Chen Wu, Jay Guillermo (Config 2023)
This talk discuss about how product designers on The New York Times Home and Storytelling teams, react and respond to ever-changing newsroom and reader needs, balance speed-to-market with design quality.
Putting Joy on the Roadmap - Jenny Wen, Mihika Kapoor, Kee Yen Yeo (Config 2023)
Making Sense of Research with a Sense-Making Process
Learn sense-making processes that will guide your research and meaning-making from initial question to company wisdom.
Figma Tip: Scoped Slot Components
With this technique, we can 'outsource' the component composition to a main component, whilst still allowing for completely flexible content within.
Reimagining Design Systems at Spotify
In this post, we’ll share what motivated us to create Encore, how it’s structured, and how it’s different from what we’ve tried before.
Polaris UX Nuggets
This open-source version of Polaris will let you get a closer look at the Airtable base powering Sharon's innovative UX methodology.
What Is Atomic UX Research?
Atomic Research, helps you organise knowledge in an infinitely powerful manner.
The 4 Degrees of Anthropomorphism of Generative AI
Users attribute human-like qualities to chatbots, anthropomorphizing the AI in four distinct ways — from basic courtesy to seeing AI as companions.
Introduction to DesignOps
Learn more about Design Operations. What is it? Where is it? Who does it involve? How can I get started?
Mastering the Problem Space for Product/Market Fit by Dan Olsen
In this talk from Mind the Product San Francisco, Dan Olsen, the author of The Lean Product Playbook, tackles the key components of product/market fit and how to achieve it.
Mastering the Problem Space
What problem are you trying to solve? Learn how to avoid solution pollution.
Defining Your Problem Space
In this video, I talk about how to synthesize literature on a broad topic to narrow it down to your problem space.
2022 State of Design Ops
As this field develops from an emerging to a mature industry, the State of DesignOps Report seeks to be the de facto resource for all things DesignOps.
Transition Animations: A Practical Guide
Principles that can be used immediately by anyone in their design process.
DesignOps: The API of Design Teams - Inayaili León (Config 2022)
In this talk Inayaili will give you a look into the DesignOps team at GitHub, including their successes and areas of growth, and give you a few ideas to try out in your teams.
A Googler's Perspective on Building DesignOps with Adam Fry-Pierce
Hear from Adam Fry-Pierce, Chief of Staff, UX Leadership @ Google and co-founder of DesignOps Assembly, as he shares his experiences in scaling DesignOps.
The Psychology of The Man-Child (Puer Aeternus)
The term puer aeternus is Latin for eternal boy. Carl Jung used the term in the exploration of the psychology of eternal youth and creative child within every person.
What the FOUC Is Happening: Flash of Unstyled Content
How to solve a situation where Web browser ends up showing your Web page’s content without having any style information yet.
Invisible Details of Interaction Design
This article deconstructs the why behind great displays of interaction design.
You Need To Be More Strategic
Not all “you need to be more strategic” feedback is the same.
The AI Revolution: Redefining The Role of Designers
This research report takes a dive into understanding the inner workings of AI, investigating its potential impact on design by exploring the evolution of UX design, and summarizing insights into future predictions and preparations.
Fintech Over 50: Designing for Low to Moderate Income Older Adults
This report offers recommendations for fintech customer experience design that financial services innovators can use to overcome these barriers and join older adults as partners on their journey toward financial health.
How Do Older Adults Process Icons in Visual Search Tasks? The Combined Effects of Icon Type and Cognitive Aging
It is necessary to provide Skeuomorphic Icon + text for the older adults to assist in the visual search task by increasing the search speed and accuracy.
WCAG 3 will use a new color contrast method called APCA (Advanced Perceptual Contrast Algorithm).
8 Branding Mistakes You’re Making Right Now
How To Make the Right Decision
In this clip from Dr. Peterson's conversation with Joe Hage, they discuss the art of decision making.
The Secret to a Great Planning Process — Lessons From Airbnb and Eventbrite
This framework is a full top-to-bottom company planning process, most applicable to companies larger than roughly 25 people (once there are multiple teams). It’s intended to help the leaders of the company (i.e. executives, founders) put a planning process in place across the entire org.
Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report 2020
Product Design Level Expectations Rubric
Developing Blue Sky Ideas
This video teaches entrepreneurs how to develop Blue Sky Ideas, ideas that are not being implemented today but could be utilized new technologies to provide extreme value to their customers.
AI in the Workplace Is Already Here. The First Battleground? Call Centers
They have deployed bots that automate basic tasks and instruct the remaining humans how to do their jobs
Designing of a Natural Voice Assistants for Mobile Through User Centered Design Approach
The primary objective was to define the personality of a Voice Assistant Avatar and formulating a few design guidelines for natural dialogues and expressions for the same.
GDPR From a UX/UI Designers Perspective!
Designing for Users with Dyscalculia or Low Numeracy
Product Design Eisenhower Matrix
The TWS Guide to Creating Content
A systematic framework for technical documentation authoring.
Optimized for Change
What makes a great API?
The Cushion Journal
The Cushion journal is an ongoing series to document the process of building and running an app on the web.
Meaningful Motion with Action-Driven Animation
The Case For Better Watch Typography
Watchmakers are master craftspeople. Why do so few invest in lettering?
What Is the “Right” Problem to Solve?
And where does customer demand come from?
An Anthropologist Walks Into a Bar…
When “BeerCo” found its pub sales falling, market research and competitive analysis provided no help. So it sent out a team of social anthropologists to investigate.
Building Products at Slack
Behind the scenes with the team that launched Slack Huddles
Feeling Nervous? How Anxiety Can Fuel Better Communication
Kelly McGonigal shares how stress and anxiety can be used to enhance our communication.
Naval Ravikant | How to Be Great at Anything - And What to Avoid
How do we get to be the best at any given domain? Naval Ravikant, Kapil Gupta and the renown psychiatrist Carl Jung (presented by Jordan Peterson) seems to agree in the driver behind greatness - A deep obsession into that domain, which results in forging a unique path that is far off from the prescribed "how to's" of that particular domain.
Bringing Dark Patterns to Light
The term “dark patterns” has been used to describe design practices that trick or manipulate users into making choices they would not otherwise have made and that may cause harm.
Applying Motivation Theory to Achieve Increased Response Rates, Respondent Satisfaction and Data Quality
Targeting respondents’ own motivation to participate in surveys is an alternative approach to achieving higher response rates. Self-Determination Theory provides a theoretical framework for how intrinsic motivation can be stimulated.
Is Design Metrically Opposed?
The world of metrics and analytics have often been at odds with how designers work. Design is a process where we finely tune our intuition to create great user experiences. Yet, sometimes, what we think is best rivals the metrics. So which do we believe—our gut or the data?
Customer Feedback Intercom Customer Feedback Strategy: How to Collect, Analyze and Take Action
Principles of Effective Survey Design
Write surveys that engage users, boost your brand, and deliver insights.
How to Ask About User Satisfaction in a Survey
Satisfaction Is an Emotional Response
What to Consider when Choosing Colors for Data Visualization
Color in UI Design: A (Practical) Framework
Also, why it is important to use HSB colour system.
How to Add Custom Fonts to Gatsby
The Self-Fetishization of East-Asia: Koreaboos & Weebs Aren't the only Problem
How to Start a Project by Erik Spiekermann
Responsive Typography: The Basics
My UX Portfolio Presentation by Sharon Yeun Kim
Maximally Optimizing Image Loading for the Web
Malte from Vercel outlines 8 image loading optimization techniques to minimize both the bandwidth used for loading images on the web and the CPU usage for image display.
The UX Design Process Explained Step by Step with a Mobile App Project by Chunbuns
Why Investors Don’t Fund Dating